Adam Leadbetter and Anthony Patterson will present NETMAR ontology development and system architecture at a 1/2 day workshop at the ECOOP 2011 Research Project Symposium in Lancaster, UK, on 28 July 2011. See

Standards for vocabulary server access

Adam Leadbetter presented a poster on emerging standards in vocabulary server access method at EGU 2011. See the poster and abstract.

NETMAR addresses quality concerns

Jorge de Jesus, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, is today presenting work done on developing an implementation of uncertainty propagation using NetCDF at the GeoViQua workshop in Barcelona. See the workshop site for more details. The presentation is found here.

PyWPS Wiki

Jorge de Jesus, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, has further developed the pyWPS software and wiki as part of the NETMAR project. The wiki with installation guide, examples, and much more is found at

ENVIP 2010 Proceedings

The ENVIP 2010 Proceedings are now available online. This includes a NETMAR paper entitled Ontologies and Ontology Extension for Marine Environmental Information Systems.

NETMAR Deliverables

New NETMAR deliverables with review of architectures, ontologies and semantic frameworks for Environmental Information Systems are now available here.

NETMAR at ENVIP 2010 Workshop

NERSC presented a paper entitled "Ontologies and Ontology Extension for Marine Environmental Information Systems" at the ENVIP 2010 Workshop organised as part of the EnviroInfo 2010 conference.

ICAN European-African meeting

NETMAR was presented by NERSC and BODC the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) Meeting of European and African participants in London, UK, 20 September 2010.

BODC poster

A poster was presented by BODC at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 - Semantics in NETMAR.

ICAN Workshop 4

NETMAR presented at ICAN Workshop 4 in Trieste, Italy, 16-20 November 2009

ICAN Workshop presentation